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Optional Homework

AUTUMN TERM (based on "Darwin's Delights")

- Make a fact file of different fossils and, if possible, with an adult, visit a local museum that has fossils on display.

- Look at photos of the archipelago islands that Charles Darwin visited.  Design and draw your own archipelago island.

- Create a 'true or false' quiz about Charles Darwin and his work on evolution.

- Explain how animals such as polar bears, monkeys and sharks have evolved to suit their environment.

- Draw a fantastical creature that has evolved to suit it's own unique environment.

- Find out more about other famous scientists who had an interest in evolution and inheritence, such as Wilfred Wallace or Mary Anning.

- What can you discover about Lonesome George, the last giant Pinta Island tortoise? 

- Research conservation charities, such as the World Wildlife Fund, to learn about current endangered species.



SPRING TERM (based on "A Child's War")

- Talk to family members about your families wartime/post-wartime experiences.  Can you present this information in an interesting way?

- 'Make Do And Mend'! Can you revamp some of your old clothes to make new ones?  Maybe you could 'upcycle' some unwanted items and make them useful in a whole new way.

- Find out what happened in your local area during the War.  Were any children evacuated or did your local area host evacuees?

- Find some wartime recipes and make a typical meal using foods that would have been rationed at the time. 

- Record your own warime radio broadcast.  If possible, use an audio editing package to add sound effects such as an air sirens or overhead aircraft.

- 'Dig For Victory!'  Find out about the type of vegetables people were encouraged to grow during the War and have a go at growing or cooking some! 



SUMMER TERM (based on "Blood Heart")

- Create an exercise plan for a healthy heart.

- Design and make some heart-shaped tokens to give to someone close to your heart.

- Find out about some famous heart surgeons.  What do you need to study to become a heart surgeon?  What skills and personality would make you a successful one?

- Find out about the size and structure of the human heart and compare it to the size, structure and number of hearts in other animals.

- Collect red colour charts from a DIY store and compare shades and names.  Mix paint to create a picture using different shades of red.

- Find examles of proverbs or idioms relating to the heart, such as 'wear your heart on your sleeve' or 'eat your heart out'.  See how many you can find and explain what they mean.

- What does the phrase 'blood is thicker than water'? Write a story using this as the title/meaning.

- Measure your family's resting heart rates before putting them through their paces!  Ask them to hop, skip, jump and run measuring their heart rates after each activity.  Fill in a table or spreadsheet with all the results.  Can you present your results in an informative way?


This Week's Homework

SPaG Workouts: Due 3.5.24

                             6R: Workouts 1 + 2,

                             6B: Workouts 3 + 4

                             6M: Workouts 3 + 4